Christmas Time In London

Well, this trip certainly became an adventure! Firstly, I thought I should re enforce the fact that Gibraltar IS British, so my barbary macaque joined me to experience our wonderful capital city, and to prove this point once and for all! My adventures started with some more coaching sessions at Lords, where I learned to bowel over arm, so I’m now turning in to, what James describes as, an ‘all rounder’. Sister Katie then came to join us and to watch the film Paddington In Peru. Things did not start well owing to a weekend engineering works, so travelling around London needed careful planning. However, even the best of planning couldn’t cover every eventuality, as we ended up stuck in a tube tunnel for nearly an hour owing to a points failure, thus missing the film we had booked to see, meaning we had to go elsewhere to see it. Whereas I enjoyed the film, I preferred the previous 2 as this focused more on Peru than London. Coincidentally, we then found ourselves on Paddington Station where it was lovely to see the remembrance poppies on display. We then took a trip down Oxford Street to see the lights, and where Katie did some window shopping (which subsequently costed Dad an online shopping order!). I met my new friend Carol for a meal one evening, who used to live in Northampton, so we had plenty in common and lots to talk about. Carol’s husband, Carl, lives in Gibraltar whom I met at the Pizza Night, so hopefully we will all be able to meet up again when I next visit. The latter part of my stay was spent volunteering at The Transport Museum, which was as enjoyable as always, and meeting all my friends. I also managed a meal at The Mughouse (London Bridge), saw my good friend Mariusz, and, oh yes, talked to a large cuddly toy, called Bumpa, on a bus en route to Hammersmith (probably lesss said about that, the better!).

"My past ... my present ... my future"

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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.