I have made it back to Gibraltar, this time to celebrate Debra’s Birthday (Lets just say its a special one!). There will be special blog on this come Saturday, but in the meantime, I have met up with special friends old and new, 5 x personal training sessions at the gym, a 1.7km walk with the running club, pizza night at Mama Mia’s, A meal at Charlies, spending time with John and Yvonne at O’Reilleys Irish Bar, Bingo Night at The Hendrix Pub, visited Rosia Bay, Europa Point, and, eh, Morrissons, and there is plenty more in the pipeline!

6 responses
Looks like you’ve been very busy Tom. Looking forward to seeing you soon to celebrate Debra’s absolutely GIGANTIC birthday on Saturday.🤣x
Isn’t this the same gigantic birthday you yourself had just a few weeks ago?! I have been practicing drinking wine so I can keep up with you!! Ha Ha!!
Woohoo Tom – you’re in Gibraltar already. Lou and I are arriving on Thursday so busy packing at the moment. Whats the weather like? Looking forward to seeing you! Looks like you’ve been doing a lot of training? You gonna run up the rock with Chris and myself?
I considered your offer of running up The Rock…briefly. I think I will pass on this occassion! It is sunny here…at the moment! I am really enjoying the gym and my personal training, and the running group are lovely people.
I feel tired just reading, what you have been doing. But hey Tom keep being you
Well, there’s no rest when Dad’s around! He makes me work hard, but its all very enjoyable.