Tom's Team

Debra James


Tom is my delightful step-son, but I have also had the pleasure of being his physiotherapist when he was younger. He always worked really hard on his physio exercises and continues at home now  with remote sessions.

In recent years, alongside his Adult Physio Programme, we have introduced exercises that he can do in his hot-tub at home, as hydrotherapy pools are very difficult to access.

I’m Charlotte Fox – Tom’s independent Occupational Therapist. I’ve been working with Tom since 2011. In this time it’s been great to see, and be able to support him with achieving so many of his goals and experiences such as:

  • Designing and moving into a specially adapted property with a range of specialist equipment that is designed to enable him to be as independent as possible and maintain a range of different interests and activities.
  • Accessing his IT equipment and finding ways he can use devices more independently to play games and communicate with friends and family.
  • Applying for a wide range of vocational activities and work experience placements.
  • Management of his condition
  • Progressing through education and into adulthood
  • Community access and engagement

Tom is a delight to work with – always keen and willing, and I love hearing about what he’s been up to each time I see him – there is always a good experience or story he has to tell! I look forward to continuing to work with Tom and have high hopes for what he will continue to achieve. At Occupational Therapy Norfolk myself and our team of Occupational Therapists and Rehabilitation Assistants work with a wide range of individuals and organisations providing Occupational Therapy services aimed at rehabilitation, and maximising independence – we have a great mix of skills within the team which means we can work with individuals with a wide range of needs.

Charlotte Fox

Occupational Therapist


Norwich Electrical

Since 2010, we have carried out electrical installation and modifications at Tom’s property. These have included supplies to specialist pieces of equipment, wiring of some areas, and new distribution equipment. The equipment installed and /or wired to, has included air conditioning in Toms bedroom to maintain a comfortable temperature, hoists, door openers, heigh adjustable sinks and therapy tub to name but a few. Also installed were supplies to new electric gates with auto opening between set times to allow for delivery of vital supplies.

External automatic lighting was installed to aid with ingress and egress for Tom during hours of darkness. Integrated into this, emergency lighting has been installed to give light as required should a power cut be experienced either through an emergency situation or a standard power outage.

Since the original works we have continued visiting the house to carry out various maintenance works and also routine and preventative maintenance, including electrical testing to ensure a safe surrounding for both Tom and his family and careers.

To aid with Tom feeling comfortable with our presence in the house we have, 99% of the time, sent our same engineer Simon to carry out the works.

It has been an honour to have been involved with Tom and the family throughout the years.





Stuart McDermott

Web Designer



