Christmas – That Didn’t Go To Plan!

Indeed it didn’t, and sadly Christmas at Foxley had to be cancelled owing to covid. We therefore celebrated Christmas Day on New Years Day, with Dad, Debra, Katie, Me, Beth, Abi, Naomi, Chris, Joey and Alfie. Did we have enough food? Of Course we did as Dad bought the turkey – well 2 in fact! As he had defrosted the first one prior to the outbreak, he simply went out and bought another! Debra came up with the annual question of why bother getting a Christmas Pudding when no one likes it – I really don’t know why she bothers! Dad does like Christmas Pudding, and I am forced to eating it just so he can justify buying one! I had some great presents and we all had a really nice day. I write this blog on 21st January, and just another Christmas Pudding, Christmas Cake and 12 mince pies left!! Yes, I am saying we had 2 Christmas Puddings as Dad got a free one when he complained about the packaging to Amazon!! And yes, Dad also did the shopping hence we have so much leftover! I love my Dad!!!

"My past ... my present ... my future"

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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.