Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wishing all my family and friends a Very Merry Christmas. The photos below are of my Stepsister Abi, Stepmum Debra, Stepsisters Naomi and Beth, Dad, My Sister Katie, Alfie, and Me and my Mum. Also remembering our loved ones who are no longer with us.

"My past ... my present ... my future"

51 Responses

  1. Happy Christmas to you too Tom. This Blog is incredible and inspirational and you should be immensely proud of what you are doing.

    P.S. Our Christmas tree is small but has roots – it is sustainable! – and is slightly bigger than it was last year so we had to pot it on!

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind words, and everything you have done to help and support not only me but my sister. You are a wonderful friend.

      ps I hope your tree grows even bigger next year!

  2. Merry Christmas to you as well Tom xx
    Sure we will see you next year sometime x
    Let’s hope 2022 is a very happy one for everyone
    Till then Have a great time.
    Love Elaine xx

  3. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New year! It’s all about being together with those you care about have fun!

  4. Thanks Tom. Wishing you and all of your family a very Merry Christmas too matey. Any ideas what Santa is bringing you? I’m hoping for a Harley Davidson motorbike! I’m not sure if he will be able to fit one in his sack though! 😂

    1. Thank you Rozey. Dad has told me about all the adventures you both got up to at RCI….mainly the frequent visits to the pub!.

  5. Hi Tom,
    Myself and Tony send you lots of Christmas wishes for you all to have a fabulous time. We cannot wait to hopefully see you all next year in 2022. 💕💕🎅🏼🎁🎅🏼💕💕

    1. Thank you Trisha. Say hello to Tony from me. I am looking forward to seeing you at the caravan next year. Keep out of trouble!

  6. Have a wonderful time – family is very important – especially these days. I have a big slobbery dog very similar to yours – hope you get lots of big wet kisses.

  7. Hi Tom ,
    A Merry Christmas to you from myself and Chris, Hope you are keeping that Dad of yours under control and not leading him astray. Hope to catch up with you in the near future

    Ray an Chris

    1. I look forward to seeing you both soon as I enjoy our laughs. Not sure if it is my dad or stepmum that I need to keep under control – maybe both, especially as dad bought some cider yesterday!

    1. That is very kind of you. Please continue to look at my blog and post some comments when you can. If you can share the site with anyone you know, please do so.

    1. Dear Thomas
      we wish you also a very Merry Christmas.
      Great to see and read your blog. I am curious to see how your adventure will continue.😀
      Warm greetings from Thorvi (Marits litttle sis), Marit, Nadine & Michael from germany🌺🎁🎅

      1. Hello to my German Friends. It is lovely to hear from you. I hope you can visit us in England sometime and have some happy times in London.

  8. Tom my main man too long since
    We have seen you all . Hope you have a great Christmas 🎄.
    Miss your great sense of humour
    And the way you make us all laugh
    Cheers Tony.

    1. Hi Tony, Thank you for your message. I hope we can meet up at the caravan next year so you can cook me mushrooms for breakfast!!

  9. Merry Christmas Tom and family we hope you have all had a fantastic time celebrating, Happy New year. loving all the post’s Tom keep up the great work, would be lovely to catch up this year all our love Hayley, Aaron, Joshua & Aleigha xx xx

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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.