My Firework Photos From New Years Day

My favourite pictures from New Years Day.

"My past ... my present ... my future"

4 Responses

    1. A Huge Tree, A Huge Turkey, and a Huge Christmas Pudding!. I hope the Figg family can keep up with us this year!!!

  1. Wow Tom, those fireworks looked terrific. Just wondering how Alfie copes? Molly hates them and hides, under the kitchen table, shaking. Hope you are all well and happy.
    Love n hugs x

    1. He was very well behaved actually and just sat in his cage – That was Dad, Alfie was also fine with the fireworks!!!!!
      We are all good thanks.

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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.